The First Nations Affiliates each promote the development of healthy, safe and self-sufficient communities with an intent to deliver fair and accountable services and programs which are reflective of its peoples' needs, priorities and available resources.
Working together within a network requires shared common values, beliefs and vision. Traditional elders help through providing groups and individuals with a perspective on the future as presented in the teachings of their FN traditions.
The JHS First Nations Network has identified worthy principles or beliefs which guide the Network as they pursue regional and provincial services through a John Howard lens.
Network Affiliates
Kolopehtuwan mip / Turning Leaf Foundation Inc.
St. Mary’s First Nations (Wolastoqiyik)
Apog-ene-ene-mat-ool-tin-et Inc.
Elsipogtog First Nations (Mi’kmaq)

Gon-gig-won Inc.
Burnt Church First Nations (Mi’kmaq)
- Are best represented within the JHS to recognize and implement program services and advocacy issues for FN communities that ultimately support the well-being of the self, the family, the community, the land, the spirits and the ancestors.
- Board of governors are the guardians and interpreters of assigned FN community needs best suited to interpret why the Affiliate exists and what it seeks to accomplish.
- Are best managed by FN people and communities by aboriginal capacity building that ensures presentation, revitalization and strengthening of FN culture.
- Are called upon to recognize and appreciate the learning of the elders as they work to fulfill their purpose.
- Are called upon to reduce the representation of FN people in custody and providing realistic alternatives to FN offenders and respond to the underlying causes of offending.
- Are called upon to reduce the representation of FN youth in custody and support community based services and community based youth organizations.
- Are called upon to work closely with Band Council and other agencies through partnerships in order to maximize FN community involvement and ensure increased coordination and collaboration with organizations doing related work.
- Are called upon to work in partnership to eliminate duplication of services and to establish services and programs as effectively as possible to meet the complex needs of the children, youth, families and elders identified as at-risk.
- Are called upon to increase the visibility, and FN community awareness, of the JHS and strive to make sure that the JHS Affiliates are properly recognized for their achievements and are closely identified as premiere providers of culturally responsive program services.
Diamond Award
The “Diamond Award” is named after the founding father of the John Howard Society First Nations Network – Elder Charles (Diamond) Nicholas – and awarded to a First Nations Elder in their exemplary service within the province.
Awakening Cultural Identity and Spirituality (ACIS) Program
ACIS provides an Aboriginal Liaison service across the province for Corrections Services Canada, linking Traditional Elders with offenders requesting culturally distinct services for effective reintegration. ACIS promotes: safer re-integration of Aboriginal offenders to their communities, through a culturally significant model; healing, spiritual, cultural and other appropriate resources; development of a structured network of helping agencies assisting with re-integration: and Elders participating in meetings with the community reintegration teams to support ongoing needs.